cicada shell extract,Vegetable cicada extract,Periostracum Cicadae extract,Chinese traditional medicine ChanYi,periostracum cicada extract powder
Cicada shell is the slough of Cryptotympana pustulata Fabricius (Fam.Cicadida e) dropped off the nymph during emergence.
Ingredient: chitin , protein , amino acid; organic acid , phenolic compound
Main Function:
1.It has the function of relieve the heat
2.It has the function of calm dow
3.It has the function of prolong the sleeping time
[property] gan, cold.
[Channels entered] lung, Liver
[Action] To dispel wind-heat, to soothe sore throat, to promote eruption, to clear the eye of corneal opacity, and to arrest spasm.
[Indications] Upper respiratoty infection with sore throat, hoarseness of voice; measles with inadequate eruption; urticaria with itching; inflammation of the eye with formation of corneal opacity; convulsion, tetanus.