Angelica Extract,Dong Quai Extract,Angelica Sinensis extract,Ligustilide CAS No:4431-01-0,Radix Angelicae Sinensis Extract 1%-5% Ligustilide,0.1%-0.3% Ferulic acid,10:1
Products name:Dong Quai Extract
Chinese Name:Dong Quai/ Dang Gui
Latin name:Angelic(sinensis (Oilv)Diels / Angelica Sinensis
Botanical Source: Root
Active Ingredient: Ligustilide, Ferulic Acid, n-butylidene phthalide, nicotinic acid, sucrose, etc.
Extract Ratio 10:1
1%-5% Ligustilide (HPLC)
0.1%~0.3% Ferulic acid
Appearance: Brown yellow to white powder(Relate to Purity)
1. Curing heart-throb,megrim and injuries from falls and also enriching the blood.
2. Providing energy,vitality,and resistance to disease.
3. Treating anemia,boils,headaches,venous problems,low im-munity,and problems of peripheral blood flow.
4. Regulating female hormones,in the treatment of most menstrual and menopausal problems and in pregnancy and delivery.
5. A blood tonic,promoting its production and circulation.
6. Preventing spasms,relaxing vessels,and reducing blood clotting in peripheral vessels.